
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Eyes if the Blind

The Eyes if the Blind -------------------------------------------------------------------     Take me high in the mountains, Drop me up from there, Untie me from these humanly shackles, Let me not live in despair.   Cut my heart, spare the trees, Shoot me With darts of hatred, Until I fall on my knees.   By the sea I find solace, Walking on the sand so pure. Leaking monsters of oil filled slick. Dead fishes and birds alike, Makes my heart cry for sure.   The raging sea, the crawling roots, Searching for a place in their own home. This home now we made a living hell, From mountains and forests to chemicals, plastics and foam.   Of late night parties and the art of living. The open tap chokes for air. Thirsty kids dying for a gulp. ‘Save Water’ ‘Do we really care’.   Now as I drive, back to home, In my luxury car, Not realizing how its choking my Mother Earth. Is this life of any damn worth?   - Amit Panariya

Calling for rain Gods

  Calling for rain Gods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rain drops falling on my face The morning hue keeps me warm inside Rainbow seeping through the clouds Colors in which I confide   He has launched a thousand poems, Inspired a timeless art Man came along with his modern weapons, And destroyed this priceless boulevard   Immortalized the trees stand riding the Vehicle of change…….. They cry out loud, O’ rain, O’ rain When will u come And wet me again?     I see the little boy within me, Running on joy filled puddles of rain, The puddles have gone, the rain has fainted The little boy lies wounded in the drain.   We destroy what is not ours, of god’s structures, that he painfully built,   Like exquisitely crafted sand castles collapsing under the weight of soggy impermanence, the tapestry of human happiness….WILTS. - Amit Panariya